Tag Archives: free podcast

Helpful Notices - Englishness

FREE Podcast! Helpful Notices – Englishness

Learn about helpful notices in English with this free podcast by Matt Purland.

We look at a selection of English notices and discuss how and why they are passive aggressive and often provide too much information.

You can also watch the video lesson here:


jebzwoleja / Pixabay

Check out more great free podcasts here: https://purlandtraining.podbean.com/

Can you teach an old dog new ELT tricks? FREE podcast

FREE Podcast! Can You Teach an Old Dog New ELT Tricks?

Free podcast featuring new ideas for teaching English as a Foreign Language for summer 2017!

Can you teach an old dog new ELT tricks?

Click here to download the podcast (Google Drive)

Yes, you can in my case! Here are some of the new lesson ideas that I tried out while working at a language school in the UK this summer. Feel free to try them yourselves – they worked really well for me! If you need any further information about the activities, please contact me here or via Twitter @purlandtraining

Free image courtesy of Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/en/jenga-wooden-blocks-game-play-2558356/

Here is the full list of activities mentioned in the podcast: