Unit 2.4 Practice with VC connections

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Audio [04:30]


#1. Break this word into two syllables with a VC connection: running.

#2. Break this word into three syllables with two VC connections: holiday.

#3. Which phrase has only VC connections?

#4. Which phrase has two VC connections and one VV connection?

#5. Break this phrase into three VC connections: teacher training.



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  1. Practice the phrases with VC connections on slides 7-12. How easy do they feel to you?
  2. Write your own phrases containing between 1-7 VC connections. Notice the C-V syllable shapes. Practice saying the phrases aloud. This is how we would like all English speech to sound.
  3. Copy sentences from a real text, e.g., a book or news report, and break the words up into syllables. Find phrases with VC connections and repeat them out loud. What is the longest chain of syllables with VC connections you can find?