Discussion Questions - Free Time

Free Time

Discussion Questions for English Classes

Discuss the following questions with a partner or small group:

  1. How much free time do you have? When do you usually have free time?
  2. What sports do you enjoy watching or playing? What sports would you like to try that you haven’t tried yet? What sports would you never try?
  3. Tell me about a memorable holiday. Where was it? Who did you go with? Why did you decide to go there? What happened?
  4. Do you enjoy going on scary rides at amusement parks? Why? / Why not?
  5. How often do you go to the cinema / theatre? What is your favourite film / play / musical…?
  6. Do you like reading? What do you read? Tell me about your favourite newspaper / magazine / book / website…
  7. Describe a typical weekend. What do you do?
  8. Do you regularly surf the ’net or play computer or video games? Tell me more. If you don’t, why not?

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