Practice Final Consonant Blends – Set 3

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Practice Final Consonant Blends – 3. a) CC connections

Note how the written form changes when you say it with connected speech. The target vowel sound is highlighted. It should be at the end of the first syllable.

build with

buil with

passed by

pa sby

Welsh cake

Wel shcake

lift door

li fdoor

first dance

fir sdance

health club

heal thclub

month till

mon thtill

cat’s name

ca_ sname

sulks but

sul ksbut

helps them

hel psthem

wasps got

wa spsgot

loaned cash

loan cash

lines near

line snear

facts by

fa ksby

melts by

mel_ sby

elves’ boots

el fsboots

lamp shade

lam pshade

lifts could

li fscould

texts me

te ksme

attempts to

attem psto

Practice Final Consonant Blends – 3. b) CV connections

Note how the written form changes when you say it with connected speech. The target vowel sound is highlighted. It should be at the end of the first syllable.

build a

buil da

passed out

pa sdout

Welsh and

Wel shand

lift off

li ftoff

first aid

fir staid

health app

heal thapp

month after

mon thafter

cat’s eye

ca_ zeye

sulks about

sul kzabout

helps each

hel pzeach

wasps in

wa spzin

loaned Ella

loan della

lines up

line zup

facts of

fa kzof

melts away

mel_ zaway

elves and

el fzand

lamp on

lam pon

lifts up

li fzup

texts Ann

te kzann

attempts an

attem pzan