Unit 2.5 Reduplicatives

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Audio [04:12]



#1. What is a reduplicative rhyming word?

#2. Reduplicatives often contain good examples of ________.

#3. ‘boogie-woogie’ is a kind of:

#4. ‘teeny-weeny’ is an adjective meaning very ________.

#5. If you ‘shilly-shally’ you behave in ________ manner.



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  1. Do you have reduplicative words in your L1? If yes, give some examples. If no, why not?
  2. Why do you think reduplicative words – e.g. ‘wakey-wakey’ (wake up) – developed in English? What purpose do they serve? Who is likely to use them – and when?


  1. Complete the activities on slides 7 and 8.
  2. Make a sentence containing each reduplicative word.
  3. Research the topic of reduplicatives and find more of these words online. Put together a list in alphabetical order and learn it.
  4. Try to build a sentence with more than one reduplicative word and say it aloud, e.g., ‘The English test was easy-peasy for the hoity-toity goody-goody!’

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