Unit 3.2 Breakdown of friendly consonant sounds

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Audio [03:50]


#1. At 45%, ________ is the friendly consonant sound that occurs the most frequently.

#2. ________ is the next most frequent friendly consonant sound, at 26%, followed by ________ (18%) and ________ (11%).

#3. When ‘n’ meets ‘k’ in English spelling the sound produced is ________ + k. For example: pink.

#4. An English syllable is far more likely to begin with a ________ sound than a ________ sound.

#5. Which word does not end with a friendly consonant sound?



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  1. Look at the words with  ngk  on slide 7. Write down ten more examples of words with the spelling ‘nk’ which sounds like  ngk, e.g., ‘pink’. Make up phrases with them – both CV connections (‘pink elephant’ = ping kelephant) and CC connections (‘pink dress’ = ping kdress). Practice saying them out loud, resting on the  ng  sound.
  2. Write ten words with a V-C syllable shape ending in a friendly consonant sound, e.g. ‘own’. Make a natural phrase with each one meeting a consonant sound, e.g. ‘own goal’. Practice these friendly connections.
  3. Write ten words with a C-C syllable shape ending in a friendly consonant sound, e.g. ‘jam’. Make a natural phrase with each one meeting a consonant sound, e.g. ‘jam tart’. Practice these friendly connections.
  4. Say the words on slide 10 out loud. Find more words that fit each pattern, e.g. ‘climb’, ‘lamb’, ‘thumb’, and so on, then make a phrase with each one meeting a consonant sound. Practice these friendly connections.