Unit 3.1 What are friendly consonant sounds?

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Audio [07:41]


#1. The four friendly consonant sounds are:

#2. Like VC connections, friendly consonant sounds enable ________ sound connections.

#3. True or false: friendly consonant sounds do not move forward in CC connections.

#4. True or false: every friendly consonant sound moves forward in CV connections.

ng does not move forward in CV or CC connections.

#5. After pronouncing a friendly consonant sound as the first sound in a ________ connection, our mouth and tongue are in a ________ position, ready to pronounce the next consonant sound.



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  1. Do you use the sounds  m,  n,  ng, and  l  in this way in your L1? Why? / Why not?


  1. Practice the phrases with friendly consonant sounds on slide 6.
  2. Practice the phrases on slide 8, as they change from bad CV connections into good VC connections.
  3. Practice the phrases with  ng  on slide 9, then write ten more phrases with a syllable ending in  ng  meeting a word – starting with either a vowel or consonant sound. For example: ‘sing a song with love’. Practice saying them out loud.
  4. Write a word ending in  m  then a word starting with a consonant sound, e.g., ‘home time’. Practice saying this friendly connection. Try writing more examples and say them out loud.
  5. Write a word ending in  n  then a word starting with a consonant sound, e.g., ‘one day’. Practice saying this friendly connection. Try writing more examples and say them out loud.
  6. Write a word ending in  ng  then a word starting with a consonant sound, e.g., ‘bring me’. Practice saying this friendly connection. Try writing more examples and say them out loud.
  7. Write a word ending in  l  then a word starting with a consonant sound, e.g., ‘will you’. Practice saying this friendly connection. Try writing more examples and say them out loud.
  8. In each case above, notice where your tongue is and how your mouth – after saying the friendly consonant sound – is ready to pronounce the next consonant sound.
  9. Practice trying to move forward friendly consonant sounds in CC connections on slide 16. Notice how difficult it is. That’s why we don’t do it!

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