Unit 7.5 Practice with w

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Audio [05:36]


#1. ________ is added when oo meets a ________ sound in a ________ connection.

#2. Which phrase does not show an example of au connecting with w in a VV connection?

#3. Which words will not connect with w in a VV connection? (Choose up to three.)

Select all that apply:

#4. Which phrase does not show an example of eu connecting with w in a VV connection?

#5. The weak forms of ‘to’ and ‘you’ end with a schwa sound which connects with w in which phrases? (Choose two.)

Select all that apply:



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  1. Practice saying the phrases on slides 6-8 out loud. Focus on adding  w  to create good VC connections. Try to imagine longer sentences based around these phrases, e.g. ‘We ate two eggs for breakfast.’ = TWO WEGGS. Say them out loud. Make up your own similar phrases and repeat the exercises. Record yourself saying them, slow down the recording and check your pronunciation. How did you do?
  2. Focus on each sound after which  w  is added:  oo,  au, and  eu. Make up your own phrases with words or syllables ending with each sound and meeting a vowel sound. Practice them out loud. Add them into longer phrases or sentences. Ask a partner or teacher to listen to you and check how well you are doing. Are some of the sounds easier than others, or are they all the same to you?
  3. Practice the phrases on slide 9 with a schwa sound meeting  w  in a VV connection out loud. Improvise longer phrases or sentences around them.
  4. Learn the point that after a schwa sound we usually hear  r  in VV connections, but with the (very common) function words ‘to’, ‘into’, and ‘you’ in their weak forms (with a schwa) we need to use  w  in VV connections. Practice the phrases on slide 10, then try making up your own phrases. Say them out loud.