Gen Z Slang Terms Quiz - 15 Questions

Gen Z Slang Terms Quiz – 15 Questions

Gen Z Slang Terms Quiz – 15 Questions

Think you know Gen Z slang terms, like YOLO and lit? Try to get 15 correct answers on our Gen Z Slang Terms Quiz! Then check out our free 40 Gen Z Slang Terms worksheet!

Related: Which generation are you from? – FREE ELT Worksheet Activity

#1. You tell a story in which you felt shocked or surprised. You say:

#2. You are feeling salty because:

#3. If your friend is lowkey interested in purchasing an e-scooter, he is:

#4. How would you describe somebody who was very aware of social injustice.

#5. If somebody responds to your anecdote with the phrase "Big yikes!" they believe it to be:

#6. You decide to go bungee-jumping because, you know...

YOLO is an acronym meaning “You Only Live Once!”

#7. If the new tune by Drake slaps, it is:

#8. You go to a party, even though you don't fancy it, because you don't want to have:

Fomo means “fear of missing out”.

#9. I thought the all-night rave in the woods was fantastic, which my Gen Z friend translated as:

#10. I told my friend I was splitting up with my girlfriend and he commented "fr?", which means:

“fr?” stands for “for real?”

#11. If your friend was flexing pretty hard about their promotion, they would be:

#12. "Have you heard from Larry since you broke up?" "No, he's been ________ me pretty bad."

#13. "Wow! She looks fantastic! What a glow-up!" Your friend has had...

#14. Your bestie is simply your...

#15. If your pal is going on and on about something and you don't want to interrupt him, you might think:



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Image by Jakob Schlothane from Pixabay

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