Talk About Money – with Brian Mattison and Friend

Talk About Money – with Brian Mattison and Friend

Talk About Money – with Brian Mattison and Friend
If the best things in life are free, why do we need money?

Hi there! Let’s talk about a topic that affects every one of us – money! Talk to me about money with this FREE online speaking and listening class. (One of my colleagues, Wally Brown, also asks a few of the questions. I hope you can understand his accent.) If you are keen to time your answers, you could use the timer below:


Here are a few more tips:

  • Click on the first play button below.
  • Say your answer out loud, then click the next one when you are ready. Try to give as full an answer as possible.
  • Replay the questions as many times as you need to.
  • Get a teacher or friend to listen to your ‘conversation’ and give you feedback.
  • Try to listen and answer all of the questions, before reading the transcript.
  • Practice as often as you like – wherever you are!
  • Please leave your comments below – and share this page if you like it!

Chat #1:


Chat #2:


Chat #3:


Chat #4:










Wrap up:


Full Transcript #5 – Talk About Money:

Wally: ’Ello Brian. What are you up to, mate?

Brian: Er, hello Wally. [Aside] Er, Wally as in Wally Brown, who also works at this university. Er, well, I’m creating learning content for students online.

Wally: Why you doin’ that, Brian?

Brian: You know, er, why not?

Wally: Can I help?

Brian: Well yes. It would be good to introduce other voices. Perhaps you can read the first few questions.

Wally: OK. Well, I’ll do me best, mate.

Brian: The topic this time is money.

Wally: OK then, Brian. Shall I… [Taps microphone] Shall I start?

Brian: Er, I think you’re a bit too close to the microphone, Wally. Yes, OK. Yes, that’s it. That’s better. So – go for it.


1. Are you rich? How much money have you got with you at the moment? What are you gonna buy today?


Wally: Ey – that’s a bit personal, in’t it?

Brian: You don’t need to add your commentary, Wally. Just read the question and they are supposed to say their answer out loud.

Wally: Oh right. But we can’t ’ear it.

Brian: It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. It’s just so that they can practice their spoken English. Er, maybe a kind teacher will listen to them as they speak and provide helpful feedback.

Wally: Ah. OK, Brian. Now, I’ve got the… I’ve got the idea. Now let’s go with another question.


2. Would you like to be a millionaire? Why? / Why not, like?


Brian: Could you try to speak a bit more slowly please, and a little bit more clearly. Like me.

Wally: Like… A bit like you? Yes?

Brian: Er, exactly. That’s right. So… Your use of connected speech, it’s… While it’s good as a native speaker, it could represent a problem for our students’ , er, understanding.

Wally: Right. OK, Brian. You’re the boss. You know what’s best.


3. How generous are you? Do you like to share what you have? Do you give money to charity? Why? / [Coughing] Why not? [Coughing]


Wally [Coughing]: I’ve got a frog in me throat.

Brian: OK, Wally. You know, I think I’d better take it from here, thank you. You know, we’re wasting a bit of – we’re wasting time now.

Wally: OK. Are you sure, mate?

Brian: I’m sure. OK? So… OK?

Wally: Well, ‘ll see you for that pint later, yes?

Brian: Alright, Wally. Yes. Er, thank you very much. OK, so… Next question…


4. Are you good with money? Do you know how to handle money?

5. Are you a spender or a saver? Tell me more.

6. How much money do you usually spend per month on: food, rent or mortgage, other bills, and entertainment?

7.Have you ever been a victim of theft? What happened? Tell me about it.

8. That’s interesting. Er, do you think that people should have to pay tax? What would happen if nobody paid tax?

9. Hmm. OK. Er, tell me a little about your bank. Which bank are you with? Are you happy with your bank? Why did you choose this particular bank?

10. If the best things in life are free, why do we need money?

11. What is the easiest way to make money? What is the hardest way to make money?

12. Thank you. Finally, if you could choose any amount, how much money would you like to receive every month? Why?


Brian: Well, I hope that has been useful practice for you. Despite – or, maybe even because of – the intervention of my colleague – Wally Brown. You know, it can be good practice to listen to different accents of English. You know, not everybody speaks as well as I, for example. If you want to try more of my lessons you can click here, here, here, and here. Until the next time. Bye for now.

Talk about money – with Brian Mattison and his friend


Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Images by PublicDomainPictures and Hamza Rizwan from Pixabay

Reading Comprehension – How Much Money Do They Have?

Reading Comprehension – How Much Money Do They Have?

Use only the following information to find the answers:

Tim has £3.47.
He gives £2 to
John, who already had £10.75.
Tim’s sister,
Clare, takes £20 out of the bank and gives half to Lisa.
Lisa spends £4.99 on a t-shirt and gives the rest back to Clare, who then lends £2.50
Jalal owes a pound to
his brother, so he gives him three quarters of that.
John gives £5.58 to
Keith, who needs it because he owes a fiver to Kathy.
She puts it with the 68p that she already has in her pocket, then withdraws £60 from
a cashpoint and gives a quarter of that to
Laurie, who spends a third and shares the
rest equally between her cousins, Jalal and

How much money does each person have now?

1. Tim has ________________________________________
2. John has ________________________________________
3. Clare has ________________________________________
4. Lisa has ________________________________________
5. Jalal has ________________________________________
6. Jalal’s brother has ________________________________________
7. Keith has ________________________________________
8. Kathy has ________________________________________
9. Laurie has ________________________________________
10. Ruby has ________________________________________


1. Tim has £1.47. 2. John has £7.17. 3. Clare has £12.51. 4. Lisa doesn’t have any
money. 5. Jalal has £6.75. 6. Jalal’s brother has 75p. 7. Keith has 58p. 8. Kathy has
£50.68. 9. Laurie doesn’t have any money. 10. Ruby has £5.

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