How to Use Past and Present Participles – FREE Printable Worksheet

Study the table below to find out how we use past participles (3rd form) and present participles (ing form).

Close your eyes and put your finger on a letter. Think of a verb that begins with that letter, say / write both participles, then put your finger on a number and say / write a sentence based on the information below. For example: G 8 = ‘I’ve been getting some groceries from the shop.’

How to Use Past and Present Participles – FREE Printable Worksheet

How to Use Past and Present Participles

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Order of Adjectives in English

The order of adjectives in an English sentence is important. All of the phrases below would be incorrect if the word order was any different.

This is a guide. The order may vary, especially the physical description adjectives 5-9. We don’t usually need more than two adjectives per noun.

Activity: each phrase begins with a determiner and ends with a noun. Write a number above the words in between to show their order.

Order of Adjectives in English


a) my first (2) completed (7) report

b) that flowery (7) cotton (11) dress

c) a nice (4) long (5) nap

d) a few middle-aged (6) Geordie (10) guys

e) her round (8) silver (9 or 11) locket

f) two small (5) Gap (10) t-shirts

g) our heart-shaped (8) swimming (12) pool

h) a very (3) interesting (4) conversation

i) the next (2) big (5) thing

j) his beloved (4) eighty-year-old (6) grandma

k) an extremely (3) peculiar (4) birthday (12) present

l) eight spacious (8) Greek (10) apartments

m) each really (3) warm (7) sleeping (12) bag

n) another brand new (6) red (9) skirt

o) a baggy (8) woollen (11) jumper

p) the latest (2) Indesit (10) refrigerator

q) some blue (9) plastic (11) drinking (12) straws

r) these broken (7) wooden (11) toy (12) cars

s) the last (2) Norah Jones (10) album

t) Jack’s trendy (4) ripped (7) black (9) jeans


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If you have any feedback about these free resources, we’d love to hear from you! Please leave a comment or review below or on Facebook or Twitter.
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