15 Fantastically Fishy English Idioms!

Do you like fish? Do you like English idioms? Yes? Then you’re going to love this fun fishy feature, which focuses on fifteen fab English idioms about our fantastic fishy friends!

  1. He’s a big fish in a small pond. = He has power and influence, but only in a limited area.

2. He’s a cold fish. = He’s an unemotional person.

3. I think she was fishing for a compliment. = I think she was trying to get a compliment.

4. It’s like shooting fish in a barrel. = It’s very easy.

5. Hmm, something smells fishy. = Something seems suspicious.

6. I’ve got bigger fish to fry. = I’ve got more important things to do.

7. Her dad drinks like a fish. = Her dad drinks a lot [of alcohol].

8. I felt a bit green around the gills. = I felt sick.

9. They fell for that joke hook, line, and sinker! = They fell for that joke – completely.

10. That’s a different kettle of fish. = That’s a different matter.

11. There are plenty more fish in the sea. = You will find another person to love.

12. Your grandma is an odd fish, isn’t she? = Your grandma is strange, isn’t she?

13. What’s that got to do with the price of fish? = What’s that got to do with anything?

14. The train was so busy! We were packed in like sardines! = The train was so busy! The passengers had to stand very close together.

15. I felt like a fish out of water. = I felt uncomfortable and out of place.

Meme maker: https://www.kapwing.com/meme-maker

Images: https://pixabay.com

Idiom of the day – Better late than never

JESHOOTS / Pixabay

We use the English idiom ‘better late than never’ to show that we are relieved that somebody or something is coming, while at the same time expressing annoyance that they or it will be late.

[On the phone:]

Peter: Will you be able to bring my laptop back tonight? I really need it to finish my assignment.

Greta: Sure. I’ll be round at about ten. Will that be alright?

Peter: I’ll probably be asleep by then, Greta!

Greta: Sorry! I won’t be there till at least ten, because I’m working at the club till nine thirty.

Peter: OK. Don’t worry. Better late than never.

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