Unit 6.1 Introduction

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Audio [07:31]




  1. Were you aware that we often delete these sounds in English as we speak:  t,  d,  h, and duplicate sounds? Do you regularly delete any sounds in your L1? Give examples.


  1. Practice the phrase on slide 12. Write down more similar phrases, where  t  is deleted in a CC connection and replaced by a glottal stop. Practice saying them out loud.
  2. Practice the phrase on slide 13. Write down more similar phrases, where  d  is deleted because it meets  t. Practice saying them out loud.
  3. Practice the phrase on slide 14. Write down more similar phrases, where  d  is deleted because it is part of a blend. Practice saying them out loud.
  4. Practice the phrase on slide 15. Write down more similar phrases, where  h  is deleted at the start of a syllable in the words ‘him’, ‘her’, and ‘his’. Practice saying them out loud.
  5. Practice the phrase on slide 16. Write down more similar phrases, where two duplicate sounds meet. Practice saying them out loud.
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