Unit 5.4 th / tt

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Audio [07:08]




  1. Practice counting ordinal numbers in English, focusing on the  tt  sound, e.g., ‘first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth…’ etc.
  2. Practice saying the words ending with  th  on slide 9 out loud. Can you add any more examples? How many of these words are new to you? Look up the meanings of the ones you don’t know.
  3. Use the words on slide 9 to create new phrases with CV and CC connections, e.g., ‘smooth arm’ / ‘smooth skin’. Practice saying them out loud, moving forward  th  in CV connections and moving it forward then changing it to  tt  in CC connections. Put your phrases into whole sentences and say them out loud.
  4. Practice saying the words ending with  tt  on slide 10 out loud. Can you add any more examples to each group?
  5. Use the words on slide 10 to create new phrases with CV and CC connections, e.g., ‘depth of’ / ‘depth which’. Practice saying them out loud, moving forward  tt  in both CV connections and CC connections.
  6. Write sentences that contain at least two connections with  th  or  tt  moving forward, e.g., ‘Bob drew both pictures with an HB pencil.’ Practice saying them out loud.
  7. Practice saying the phrases on slide 11 out loud. Focus on the  th  sound in the CV connections and the very light  tt  sound in the CC connections. Record yourself saying them, then listen back, slow down the recording and listen to the sound connections. How did you do?
  8. Practice saying the phrases on slide 12 out loud. Focus on making the  tt  sound in both CV and CC connections. Try to imagine longer sentences based around these phrases, e.g., ‘Earth Day came and both of the children tried to soothe James.’ Say them out loud.

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