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Talk About Your Country – with Brian Mattison

Talk About Your Country – with Brian Mattison

Talk About Your Country - with Brian Mattison

Talk to Brian Mattison about your country. What are the people like? What do you feel most proud of?

Hi there! Tell me about your country with this FREE online speaking and listening class! Try to speak for a minimum of 60 seconds for each answer. Use the timer below to keep track!


Here are a few more tips:

  • Click on the first play button below.
  • Say your answer out loud, then click the next one when you are ready. Try to give as full an answer as possible.
  • Replay the questions as many times as you need to.
  • Get a teacher or friend to listen to your ‘conversation’ and give you feedback.
  • Try to listen and answer all of the questions, before reading the transcript.
  • Practice as often as you like – wherever you are!
  • Please leave your comments below – and share this page if you like it!

Full Transcript #4 – Talk About Your Country:

  1. Hi, I’m Brian Mattison. What’s your name?
  2. It’s nice to meet you. Today, I want you to talk about your country. Listen to each question that I ask, and give your answer. Try to talk for a minimum of sixty seconds – that’s one minute to you and I. Click on the timer to help you keep track. Why not get a friend or teacher to listen to your answers and give you good feedback? OK. Ready?
  3. Then let’s start. What country do you come from? Tell me all about it.
  4. What are the people like in your country?
  5. Who are some of the famous people in the history of your country – and who is the most famous now?
  6. What are the main industries in your country? How do people make their money?
  7. Do you have a good quality of life in your country? Why? / Why not?
  8. What are you most proud of when you think about your country?
  9. What do you think are the main problems facing your country at the moment?
  10. Have you ever lived in another country? If not, would you like to? Tell me more.
  11. Tell me about the natural landscape in your country. What about the different kinds of wildlife?
  12. I see. If I were to take a holiday in your country, what would be the best places to visit? Can you plan an itinerary for me?
  13. That sounds wonderful! Thank you! Er, what are the most famous culinary dishes in your country? Can you describe how to make one of them, for me, please?
  14. Do you have any unusual customs in your country? Tell me about one of them.
  15. Hmm. Very intriguing! What are the best TV shows, films, and cultural events from your country?
  16. Thanks for talking about your country. It was very interesting! I hope you’ve found this activity useful. If you have, why not try one of my other speaking classes? I’ve done ones on films, London, and how to pass the IELTS Speaking Test Part 1. So – there you are. I hope you enjoy them, and see you next time.
Talk About Your Country - with Brian Mattison

Brian Mattison invites you to practice your spoken English by talking about your country


Image by Pexels from Pixabay

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Practice IELTS Speaking Test Part 1 – with Brian Mattison!

Practice IELTS Speaking Test Part 1 – with Brian Mattison!

How to Pass IELTS Speaking Test Part 1 – DO’s and DON’Ts

The aim of the IELTS Speaking Test Part 1 is to get your speaking test off to an easy start, with familiar questions about yourself and general topics, such as family, transport, and studying. Another of the aims is to help you get to know your examiner. 

Part 1 should last around 4-5 minutes. Practice the test with our resident English-language expert trainer Brian Mattison. Why not prepare by using our special IELTS Speaking Test Part 1 DO’s and DON’Ts guide, above. Find out more about IELTS here: https://www.ielts.org/

Firstly, here are some tips for getting the most out of this activity:

  • Click on the first play button below.
  • Say your answer out loud, then click the next one when you are ready. Try to give as full an answer as possible.
  • Replay the questions as many times as you need to.
  • Get a teacher or friend to listen to your ‘conversation’ and give you feedback.
  • Try to listen and answer all of the questions, before reading the transcript.
  • Practice as often as you like – wherever you are!
  • Please leave your comments below – and share this page if you like it!

Full Transcript #3 – Practice IELTS Speaking Test Part 1:

  1. Hello. Do come in. Please take a seat. (Pause.) Welcome to IELTS Speaking Test Part 1. My name is Brian Mattison. Could you tell me your full name, please?
  2. Thank you. Can I have a quick look at your ID, please? (Pause.) OK. That’s fine – thank you.
  3. OK. Let’s begin. (Pause.) I’m going to ask you a few general questions about yourself. Can you begin by telling me about your friends. Who is your best friend? Tell me about them.
  4. Where and when did you meet?
  5. Have you ever fallen out with them? What happened?
  6. OK. Thank you. What is the best way to make new friends?
  7. Do we really need friends? Why? / Why not?
  8. OK. Thank you very much. (Pause.) I’d like to ask you a few questions now about transport. What is your favourite mode of transport – and why?
  9. How did you get here, to this place? Why did you choose that particular method of transport?
  10. Would you like to be a bus driver or train driver? Why? / Why not? What do you think would be the challenges and rewards of such a profession?
  11. Mmm. I see. How many different modes of transport have you used in your life to date?
  12. Do you think there will be more cars on the roads in the future, or fewer? Give me a few reasons.
  13. Would you like to add a little more?
  14. OK. So, thank you very much for your answers, and, er, that is the end of Part 1 of the Speaking Test.

Image by Pexels from Pixabay